Monday 26 November 2012

The Sponsorship Holy Trinity

It seems to be all the rage in sponsorship circles at the moment to talk about 'modern approaches' and '21st Century sponsorship' - for me it's quite simple. We've all suddenly woken up to the fact that there are three important groups in a successful sponsorship, and if you don't consider all three, and address the needs of all three, then the chances are you're wasting your money.

1 - The brand - clearly, as a sponsorship consultant, my focus begins on the brand. and the business and marketing objectives that have been set. Any recommendation that I make has to be rooted in fulfilling the objectives that have been set.

2 - The property - this could be an event, a person, a club - basically it's the property we're looking to sponsor. Whatever kind of deal and activation programme that we come up with has to work for the property. For example, in my view, Audi were a great partner for Manchester United. Chevrolet - hmm, I'm not so sure.

3 - The most important party in this equation - the fans. For any sponsorship to work, then the fans have to win - and to win, their experience of the property has to be improved.

I like to view this as the holy trinity - brand, property and fans. Others refer to it as win, win, win.

Whatever you want to call it, ignore it at your peril.

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